
feast of LOVE*

hmm' ..
well,, here i go !!

there's a story about the Greek Gods .
they were bored,so they invented human beings .
but they were still bored,so they invented love .
then they weren't bored any longer .
so they decided to try love for themselves,and finally they invented laughter,
so they could stand it !!

**Harry Stevenson (Morgan Freeman) in Feast of Love))

i think story above is not complete yet.
Harry forgot about tears ..
yess, tears !!
they're cursed with tears .
because they laugh too much ..
they loved too much .

anything too much is not good .
include love !!!
so, if you're in love,
don't give your lover all of your heart ..
give him/her just a half of it .
keep the half one yours ..

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